SGS Latvija konference

Pārdodam uzņēmuma auto Renault Megane Life Dci 95.
TA datums: 14.12.2023. Nākamās TA datums: 07.01.2025. Kopējais novērtējums: 0 - Teicamā tehniskā stāvoklī. Aprīlī veikta kārtējā apkope. Krāsas kods Alpine White (sudrabkrāsa).
Virsū ziemas riepas 5-6mm.
Marka ![]() | Renault Megane |
Izlaiduma gads: | 2019 decembris |
Motors: | 1.5 dīzelis |
Ātr.kārba: | Manuāla 6 ātrumi |
Nobraukums, km: | 141 000 |
Krāsa: | Sudraba |
Virsbūves tips: | Hečbeks |
Tehniskā apskate: | 01.2025 |
SnapTest LV stand E-10 at Tallinn FoodFair 2024
Details about our diplay willbe updated here:
Piektdien, 13.Sept. strādāsim Staļģenē. Birojs slēgts
SnapTest.LV viesosies LATMALT iesalnīcā ar Laboratorijas un testēšanas iekārtu Demo stendu.
Rādīsim, kas mums ir piedāvājumā Alus un Dzērienu ražotājiem - mikrobioloģijai, alergēniem, mikotoksīniem, pH, CO2, O2, Dezinfekcijas atliekas, u.d.c.
Refraktometri, svari, mitruma mērītāji, analizatori u.d.c.
5.vieta Zeļļu un LTRK 3x3 turnīrā
Turnīra tabula un rezultāti.
Komandā spēlēja:
#1. Lauris Pļavenieks, 21 gads, 184cm, Krāslava, LAT
#2. Rodrigo Jugans, 19 gadi, 195cm, Rēzekne, LAT
#3. Roberts Rotčenkovs, 16 gadi, 197cm,
Villaviciosa de Odón, ESP
#4. Konstantīns Kazlauskis, 21 gads, 207cm, Krāslava, LAT/ITA
Turnīra labākās spēles video:
Doping testing refractometers ATAGO used at the Olympics!
Doping testing - Used in Olympics.
Athletes should not rely on drugs/steroids.
Urine specifc gravity is the first check point for doping tests.
Fair and Square Competition
In doping testing, for urine samples over 150ml or more, the expected specific gravity is over 1.0003. For urine samples that are over 90ml but under 150ml, the expected specific gravity is 1.005. ATAGO’s urine specific gravity meter plays a role in making sure that the athlete’s hard work will be rewarded.
Digital Hydration Refractometer.
The PAL-10S from Atago Japan is a dedicated Specific Gravity (S.G.) meter that measures urine in the range of S.G. 1.000 to 1.060 to determine hydration levels in humans.
It is the ideal apparatus for testing hydration levels in athletes and animals as well as being a helpful tool for law enforcement officers, probation officers, hospitals, veterinary clinics, health care workers and sports scientists.
The Atago PAL-10S is equipped with automatic temperature compensation. It is also dust tight and protected against water jets, therefore making cleaning as easy as rinsing it under running water.
- Simple to use
- Measurement range S.G. 1.000 to 1.060
- Accuracy to +/- 0.001
- Ambient temperature 10 to 35°
- Result within 3 seconds
- International protection class IP65
- Dust tight and protected against water jets
- 2 x AAA batteries
- Light and compact for portability
Digital Hydration Refractometer: Atago PEN Urine S.G. human hydration - specific gravity
The Atago PEN-Urine S.G. is a handheld, pen style digital Refractometer that measures the Specific Gravity (S.G.) of human urine to determine hydration levels.
This new "Pen" style digital Refractometer has been developed for fast and hygienic use when testing urine to determine hydration. Handling is minimal; there is no need to pipette the sample onto the test prism any more.
To use, just simply dip the tip of the refractometer into the specimen sample pottle and press the start button for quick, automatic measurement.
Clean up is also quick and easy as the pen-urine Refractometer is IP65 rated and can be rinsed under running water.
Using a refractometer is widely accepted as a standard method for monitoring and ensuring safe hydration levels are maintained.
Perfect for use on site to perform regular employee safety testing as well as drug and alcohol screening, forming a vital part of your OH & S program.
Urine specific gravity results will fall between 1.002 and 1.030 if your kidneys are functioning normally. Specific gravity results above 1.010 can indicate mild dehydration. The higher the number, the more dehydrated you may be.
Many sporting clubs, both amateur and professional use the Atago Pen-Urine S.G for measuring and monitoring the hydration of athletes. Chances are the team you support is using one of these refractometers.
Not only is hydration a concern in sports, for many work places poor hydration can be a cause of work place accidents. For effective OHS policy many organisations use the refractometers to ensure workers are turning up to work hydrated and not suffering from the effects of a big night. Other OHS concerns include ensuring workers maintain hydration whilst on the job. This is especially critical at mine sites and building sites.
Effects of dehydration can include fatigue, weakness, palpitations, dizziness, confusion, fainting and breathing difficulty. These effects can cause an individual to either have, or contribute to a major accident and in mild cases cause a lack of productivity.
For such a simple to use piece of equipment, the benefits are enormous.
- Very easy to use with instantaneous, automatic measurement
- Extremely high accuracy to 0.0010 S.G.
- IP65 casing means it can be cleaned under running water quickly & easily
- Zero calibration with distilled water
- Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) for increased accuracy
- Sealed unit, no user maintenance required
Medus mitruma mērīšana ar ATAGO PAL-22S Baltic speciālo refraktometru.
Cien. Biškopji!
Piedāvājam Jums labākos medus mitruma refraktometrus no Japāņu ražotāja ATAGO. Digitālais modelis PAL-22S Baltic, analogais Master-Honey/BX.
Tāpat piedāvajam Ķīnā ražotus lētos analogos refraktometrus ar tikai 1 skaidru skalu medus mitrumam.
Viens no galvenajiem medus kvalitātes saglabāšanas kritērijiem ir medus mitruma saturs, ko mēra procentos. Ir noteikts, ka mitruma procents nedrīkst pārsniegt 20,0% (viršu un āboliņa medū 21,0%). Paaugstinātas kvalitātes prasībām var atbilst tikai medus ar mitruma saturu zem 18,5% (zem 19,5% viršu un āboliņa medum). Medus ar mitrumu zem 17,0% parasti nerūgst, neskatoties uz rauga daudzumu tajā. Pieaugot mitruma procentam medus glabāšanas laikā, vai arī atņemot saimēm medu, kas nav nogatavināts, (no kura bites nav iztvaicējušas lieko mitrumu), medū veidojas rūgšanai labvēlīga vide, raugi sāk attīstīties un vairoties – medus sarūgst.
PAL-22S Baltic digitālie medus mitruma refraktometri ir viegli nullējami ar ūdeni. Mērījums ilgst tikai 3 sekundes. Ļoti ērti un vienkārši lietošanā, mazgājami zem krāna ūdens, ūdensizturība IP-65. Medus mitruma skala 12,0% līdz 30,0%. Izšķiršana 0,1%. Mērījuma temperatūra +10+40 grādi. PAL-22S Baltic ir aprīkots ar automātisko temperatūras kompensācijas (ATC) funkciju, kas ļauj precīzi un pareizi izmērīt arī vēsu vai siltu medu.
>200 apmierināti lietotāji Baltijā, ieskaitot Latvijas Biškopības Biedrību.
Piegāde ārpus Rīgas iespējama ar VeniPak kurjerpastu 1-2 darba dienu laikā, vai uz VeniPak un UNISEND pakomātem.
Piedāvajam arī citus ATAGO refraktometrus:
Alus misas mērīšanai Brix% un Plato grādos;
Cukuru šķīdumu un sīrupu, ievārījumu, marmelāžu, u.c. saldumu Brix% mērīšanai;
Vīna specializētos refraktometrus;
Glikozes, fruktozes, invertcukura sīrupu koncentrācijas specializētos refraktometrus;
Propilēnglikola, eltilēnglikola, pārtikas eļļu, rūpniecisko dzesēšnas eļļu, u.c. refraktometrus
Detectamet: X-Ray & Metal Detector Calibration Test Pieces

Calibration consideration!
You don’t need us to tell you how important your Metal Detector and X-Ray Inspection systems are to your food production.
They are your first line of defence in the battle to maintain compliance and avoid expensive recalls.
That’s why they need regular and reliable calibration to ensure optimal performance.
With Detectamet Metal Detector and X-Ray Calibration Test Pieces, compliance is made easy!
Available in a mind-boggling range of forms and sizes, your Test Kits can be customised to your bespoke requirements.
We can offer an incredible range of calibration options, including sticks, pucks, cards, cubes and more, many with hi-vis options available.

Detectamet's Calibration Test Pieces are engineered with precision, ensuring your Metal Detector and X-Ray systems can identify even the minutest contaminants - from as small as 0.25mm.
Test Contaminant Pieces include metals such as Ferrous, Non-Ferrous, Stainless Steel, Aluminium and Titanium, as well as Crystal Glass, Quartz Glass, Ceramic, Zirconia and many more options.
Warranty registration for your ATAGO refractometer
After purchase of your refractometer - we suggest to register the extended warranty on homepage:
*The warranty period of the RX series is extended from 2 years to 3 years.
You will receive a download link for the ATAGO Logger (NFC) after your warranty registration on PAL, Palette, DOM-24.
Some items are not covered under the warranty, such as malfunction/damage caused by the user`s incorrect operation, consumables, etc.
After registering, there will be a reply email, so please read it carefully.
How Do Ambient Factors Affect Weighing Readability? Improve Your Balance Working Conditions
How to Eliminate Weighing Errors?

When we select a weighing instrument, we mainly pay attention to its parameters. This is because we are of the opinion that the guarantee of the greatest accuracy and the best indication repeatability goes to the parameters. Is it really so?
It is true that the parameters of a balance have a huge impact on the measurement result, but they are not the only ones. The conditions in which this device works, namely weighing instrument location, cubic capacity of the workroom, temperature, humidity, air drafts and light, as well as electromagnetic compatibility.
How Do You Prepare a Workstation in a Laboratory?
If there are vibrations or quakes in the workroom, then it is necessary to eliminate them by placing the balance on a convenient base, for example on an antivibration table. In our offer you will find both antivibration tables and professional weighing workstations – single or dual.
Anti-Draft Chambers
If your balance works in unfavorable conditions, for example, its measurement is disturbed by drafts or gusts, it is worth considering the purchase of an anti-draft chamber. Anti-draft chambers are designed for a specific type of weighing device. We offer chambers for microbalances, analytical balances and mass comparators.
The anti-draft chamber is installed on the antivibration table, and the balance or comparator is placed inside the chamber. Thanks to the sliding side or side and top glass doors, the user has free access to the weighing chamber.
Ambient Conditions Monitoring through THBR 2.0 System
The THBR 2.0 System is designed to supervise ambient conditions indoors on the basis of data read from measuring devices manufactured by RADWAG. The components of this system are THB-R software, THB S or THB P Sensor, THB W Sensor (liquid temperature sensor) and THBR Box Ambient Conditions Recorder.
The THB-R software continuously reads values such as air temperature, relative air humidity, atmospheric pressure and vibration from the measuring devices. In addition, it calculates air density.
DWA® in the 5Y Series Balances
Ambient conditions are also supervised by the Digital Weighing Auditor, or DWA® for short. DWA® is a system that monitors ambient conditions, namely temperature, humidity, pressure and vibration.
DWA® is one of many features in the extensive list of amenities found in the 5Y series balances. It’s sewn into the terminal, so you don’t have to buy any external devices or activate optional features – you get everything in the price of the balance.
Do you know how to improve the working conditions of your balance now?
PVD: Salmonella baktērijas Polijas vistu gaļā
Lai izvairītos no šādiem skandāliem ar Salmonella - piedāvājam Salmonella ātrās testēšanas sistēmas Hygiena BAX Q7 vai Hygiena BAX X5.
Tāpat pieejami vienkārši Salmenella noteikšanas "švabiņi" Hygiena InSite Salmonella.
IDEXX Tecta System Complete, self-contained water testing system
- U.S. EPA-approved for the detection of E. coli and total coliforms in drinking water*
- Full automation of incubation and test interpretation eliminates the need for a visual read of the test
- Results automatically sent by email
- Positive results within hours
- No sample preparation, easy-to-use system
- Quantification and presence/absence modes
- High dynamic counting range so there is no need for multiple dilutions
Contact SnapTest.LV in the Baltic countries o start your trials or book a DEMO!
Video Demonstration:
- The Tecta B16 instrument has 16 incubation chambers and the Tecta B4 instrument has 4 incubation chambers, allowing you to choose the best system for your volume needs.
- Test cartridges are available for detecting E. coli and total coliforms, E. coli only, fecal coliforms, and Enterococcus.
- Cartridges are read continuously, and an email alert is sent automatically when a positive result is detected.
- Positive results in as little as 2 hours, depending on level of contamination; negative results confirmed in 18 or 24 hours, depending on test type.
- U.S. EPA approved for drinking water.*
New Mycotoxin EU Regulations: Key Changes and Updates
Attention EU Food and Feed Safety Professionals!
Are you up-to-date with the latest mycotoxin regulations?
Over the past year, the EU has implemented several new regulations, with some taking effect now.
EU Mycotoxin Regulations (2023-2024): In brief
- Simplification and Consolidation: Regulation (EU) 2023/915 consolidates previous mycotoxin regulations, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006.
- Updated Thresholds: New thresholds for Deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2, and HT-2 toxins in food have been established under Regulations (EU) 2024/1022 and 2024/1038.
- Sampling and Analysis: Regulation (EU) 2023/2782 updates sampling and analysis methods for mycotoxins, introducing a new requirement for the limit of quantification (LOQ) in testing.
- Regulations related to animal feed: No new changes in mycotoxin limits for animal feed, but existing recommendations remain in place.
Stay compliant and informed. Read the full article here:
AT2E mērinstrumenti PET pudelēm - jaunā ES Direktīva
1. Griezes momenta testeri PET pudeļu korķīšiem.
2. Gāzes noplūdes testa iekārta PET pudeļu korķiem.
3. Izplešanās un sprādziena spiediena testeri jaunajām re-PET pudelēm.
4. PET pudeļu griezējus svara/biezuma noteikšanai pa sektoriem.
Turpmāk ražotāji dzērienu iepakojumu var laist tirgū tikai tad, ja no plastmasas izgatavotie korķīši un vāciņi visā paredzētajā dzērienu iepakojuma lietošanas laikā nav atdalāmi no dzērienu iepakojuma. Minētais noteikums neattiecas uz dzērienu iepakojumu ar metāla korķīšiem un vāciņiem ar plastmasas blīvēm.
Tāpat turpmāk drīkstēs laist tirgū dzērienus vienreizlietojamā plastmasu saturošā vai kompozīta iepakojumā ar ietilpību līdz trim litriem, ja dzērienu iepakojums satur vismaz 30% pārstrādātas plastmasas.
Šādu prasību ražotājiem noteikusi ES Direktīva par plastmasas izstrādājumu kaitējuma uz vidi ierobežošanu, kas ir daļa no plašākas aprites ekonomikas veicināšanas stratēģijas Eiropas līmenī.
IDEXX webinar: The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD)
What are the new requirements of the directive from the point of view of public health and water quality?
IDEXX Water is pleased to invite you to a free webinar with three experts who will discuss the latest Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD). During the webinar, we will highlight the additions to the UWWTD and discuss the practical implications of these changes for utilities and stakeholders.
Keynote speakers
Michel Sponar
Deputy Director, Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission
Nuno Brôco
CEO of Águas do Tejo Atlântico
Brett Brewin
IDEXX Scientific Manager
Claudia Topalli
Relationship Manager
Webinar Program
Welcome and introduction of speakers - Claudia Topalli (5 minutes)
Latest updates of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD)/Risk Assessment Framework - Michel Sponar (20 minutes)
Quality of treated urban wastewater and microbiological monitoring - Nuno Brôco (20 minutes)
Microbiological requirements according to the new directive - Brett Brewin
(20 minutes).
Q&A - Participants (10 minutes)
The current Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, adopted in 1991, created harmonised guidelines for wastewater management in order to reduce pollution in waterways. The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD) creates a legal framework for the collection and treatment of wastewater in urban areas. It covers the collection, treatment and discharge of urban wastewater and the treatment and discharge of wastewater from certain industries.
The aim of the directive is to protect the environment from the adverse effects of the above-mentioned sewage discharges. During the webinar, we will try to review the new microbiological requirements in the context of public health, as well as briefly present the technological problems.
For further information, please contact Claudia Topalli [email protected] or Jonas Eshun [email protected] at IDEXX.

SnapTest.LV komanda - "Rīgas Zeļļi" organizētajā 3x3 basketbola festivālā, 9. augustā Saulkrastos
SnapTest.LV komandā spēlēs mūsu darbinieks Roberts Rotčenkovs. kurš ikdienā basketbolu spēlē Spanish Basketball Academy komandā Madrides U16/U18/VIPS Masculino līgās, un nesen izcīnīja TOP-8 vietu Spānijas klubu 3x3 čempionātā U17 vecuma komandām.
2. ______ __________ Brīva vieta sastāvā
3. ______ __________ Brīva vieta sastāvā
4. ______ __________ Brīva vieta sastāvā
Ja vēlies uzspēlēt kvalitatīvā 3x3 turnīrā - piesakies komandā [email protected] vai zvanot/rakstot Robertam 27200204 vai IG.

Upcoming webinar: ISO 16140 Validation and Verification of Molecular Methods in Food Safety

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Atbalsts jaunatnes sportam 2024.gada vasarā.
750 / 500 / 250 EUR.
Pieteikumus gaidīsim līdz š.g. 3.jūnijam uz [email protected]
Paldies interesentiem. Pieteikšanās beigusies, saņemtie pieprasījumi tiks atbalstīti.
Baltic Water Works Conference 2024
SIA "SnapTest.LV" konferences stendā varēs iepazīties ar aktualitātēm ūdens analītikā, jo īpaši mikrobioloģiskās drošības testēšanā:
1. IDEXX Colilert-18 (EN ISO 9308-2 standarts), Enterolert-DW (ISO/CD 7899-3), Pseudalert (ISO 16266-2), Legiolert (AFNOR Certificate No.: IDX 33/06-06/19), EasyDISC testi ātrai un precīzai ūdens mikrobioloģijas testēšanai.
2. IDEXX TECTA tehnoloģija 5-16 stundu ātrām un automatizētām mikrobioloģijas analīzēm avārijas gadījumos, vai mobīlajās laboratorijās.
3. RadWag modernais mikroviļņu analizators notekūdeņu dūņu mitruma analīzēm 1-3 minūtēs.
4. SenSafe/ITS vizuālajiem stripiem un minifotometriem dezinfekcijas atlieku un ūdens ķīmisko parametru vienkāršām un ātrām analīzēm.
5. pH-metriem, Konduktometriem, Svariem, u.c. testēšanas un laboratorijas iekārtām.

Pirkumu grozs
Pirkumu grozs ir tukšs.